Where to Use Premium Seal
- Internal & external porous tiles & stone
- Terracotta tiles
- Non polished Natural stones such as limestone, sandstone, marble, granite, slate,
travertine, quartz - Concrete and clay pavers
Where NOT to Premium Seal Spirit Sealer
- Non-porous or dense tiles with very low porosity
- Glazed tiles, Polished tiles/stone & Bluestone
Features + Benefits of Premium Seal
- Non ozone depleting solvent carrier.
- Fast sealing and curing – allows foot traffic in 60 minutes.
- High resistance to both oil and water borne contaminants.
- Permits vapor transmission.
- Non-corrosive mild solvent carrier.
- Premium Seal is mould and mildew resistant.
- Excellent grout sealer.
- Can be applied over existing penetrating sealers.
- Does not yellow or peel.
- Internal & external use.
For further information, visit the Spirit Website. Check out our full range of stone sealers and stone cleaners.