4 Reasons Why Outdoor Natural Stone is Better than Porcelain

Are you considering using outdoor natural stone or porcelain for your next home improvement project? If so, you may be wondering which material is the better choice. Here are four reasons why outdoor natural stone is the superior option.

Durability of Outdoor Natural Stone Pavers

Natural stone has formed over millennia and in that time been subject to immense heat and pressures to compact the material into stone.  Eventually this stone becomes exposed to the elements, and we can see the effects of weathering on the material we produce into pavers.  These same stones we use to enhance our buildings have often been used in construction for centuries forming many of the   historic buildings we see today.

Stone ages naturally in our environment sitting comfortably in our urban landscapes. Porcelain tiles unfortunately start looking perfect but over time the effects of wear will degrade the look.  Once porcelain tiles chip and crack they look old, where-as natural stone simply looks like weathered stone. The older outdoor natural stone gets, the more natural and grounded it appears.

Feel of Outdoor Natural Stone Pavers

Limestone, marble, granite, and basalts are outdoor natural stone materials that have an organic feel to them when you are walking barefoot in your external area. They feel natural and luxurious. Outdoor natural stone pavers feel raw and organic underneath your feet, because they are a product of mother nature and have taken thousands of years to form. This is not true of man-made tiles that have been produced in a short span of time on a production line.

Look of Outdoor Natural Stone Pavers

There is no denying that you can spot the difference between outdoor natural stone and a fake-stone product. Depending on the natural stone you choose, your space can look more rustic or more distinguished and refined. Whichever aesthetic you are aiming for, your space is assured to look more up-market and expensive. That is not to say that natural stone is always more expensive. A lot of fake-stone competitors can charge the same rates as natural stone or more!

Cost of Outdoor Natural Stone Pavers

If you are going for a marble or limestone paver for outdoors, the cost will normally sit within a narrower range than some of the internal stones.  This is because we normally select stone for outside that is tumbled or structured allowing a broader range of raw materials to be used.  Internally we strive for visual perfection which demands a much narrower selection of the available stone.

Types of Outdoor Natural Stone Tiles and Pavers

Still have questions about what material is right for your outdoor area? Give us a call at (02) 9316 9677.

Travertine Tiles & Pavers

Limestone Tiles & Pavers